фотостудия какая
So the system of injection Motronic functions Start of the cold engine: in addition to soaked up air the block of management throttle заслонкой lets in additional quantity of air. Simultaneously the management block receives from the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid the information – «the engine cold». On the basis of it the management block counts duration of opening of valves of injection for reception of the enriched mix. Engine warming up: the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid transfers in the block of management of data on increasing heating of a cooling liquid. The management block gives a command of closing of the valve of stabilisation of idling, and duration of injection comes back to standard level. Idling: on the basis of the information received from a potentiometer throttle заслонки and a measuring instrument of a stream of fresh air, the management block learns, when the engine idles. If the number of turns falls, the management block changes the ignition moment; simultaneously the block of management throttle заслонкой increases air stream therefore the quantity of injected fuel slightly raises. Standard operation does not demand any especial equipment. Position throttle заслонки and quantity of air passing through its measuring instrument, define duration of opening of valves of injection. Accelerations: fast opening throttle заслонки is distinguished by the management block as acceleration on the signal which has arrived from a potentiometer throttle заслонки . Adjustment by means of a ljambda-probe: constant change is necessary for excellent job каталитического the converter slightly enriched and a little the impoverished toplivno-air mix. In an exhaust at present the ljambda-probe (in каталитическом the converter) transfers the information on the maintenance of residual oxygen in the block of management which gives the order to fractions of a second to injectors to extend or reduce time of injection and, hence, gasoline receipt. Draught switching-off: the information that the foot is removed from a gas pedal, through a potentiometer throttle заслонки in the block of its management again arrives in the management block. If simultaneously the gauge of temperature of a cooling liquid signals about achievement эксплутационного an engine warming up, and the Hall gauge in the distributor directs the information that frequency of rotation of the engine has exceeded 1500 rpm, the management block any more does not give the order to injectors to open. Full loading: at full loading in conditions of completely wrung out pedal of gas the engine requires the raised quantity of fuel. On the basis of a signal «full gas», arrived from a potentiometer throttle заслонки in a combination to a corresponding signal of a measuring instrument of a stream of fresh air, the management block distinguishes a condition of "full gas» and forces injectors to make injection longer. Restriction of number of turns: the management block disconnects injectors for protection of the engine against excess of frequency of rotation if it exceeds 6500 rpm (the engine with working volume 1,6) or 6800 rpm (the engine with working volume 1,8). Function of an emergency course: if from one of information gauges does not arrive or the senseless information arrives, Motronic does not fail yet.
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